You could easily say that I am one-eyed! Well, that eye is on you and it’s an eye of gratitude and love. It certainly doesn’t stop me from wishing you a very happy and blessed Christmas. With Santa busily working over my shoulder, what else could a
man say?
In many ways, it’s been one heck of a year and I know we are all looking forward, not only to the birth of Jesus, but a bit of a break, maybe for some, even in an Inn or two.
What stands out for me is all the love and generosity that I witnessed and personally experienced over 2011.
You are part of this in your own personal and kind way. It’s time to thank you and to rejoice in your continued support and friendship. There is much need for the compassion and family friendship that Christmas can bring. For there are many hearts that are wounded.
This photo with Mia, an abandoned Down Syndrome orphan, says it all.
I held Mia’s soft little hand. My heart jumped. It was extraordinary. Time stopped. I was holding the hand of Helen, my little sister, some 60 years ago. Fighting back the tears, my heart felt as it did then, full of love and compassion for the little Down Syndrome one.
May this true Holy Spirit of Christmas and the Child that comes in every child, be with you, enfold you, comfort you and hold you forever in the embrace of Eternal Love.
May the Child, Jesus, smile upon you.
Fr Peter McGrath
Grace Cottage