We started the day with a prayer service organized by Marg and Paul Casey (Wollongong diocese). With their amazing creativity, they led us into Morocco for our opening prayer and into our hearts. Many of our leaders from all around NSW, came forward and lit the light of Christ for all their people, especially their sick and those who had gone home to the Father. You were remembered.
Something special happened that took us deeper into our hearts. The photo tells the story. Father Peter gave Maureen and David Collins an adopted Grandchild and asked them to remember when first they held their little one. Treasured memories came flooding back. Our God was very close. AS CLOSE AS OUR HEARTS.
It was as if the message of Jesus to each of us “ Love one another” took flesh again in this little child. Our Family Groups were at the very heart of His mission.
A Family Group is more than the sum of its parts. It is a basic building block of our Christian community, providing a sound foundation for the life of the parish. When people are at home in a Family Group, their gifts and graces are revealed. With these talents they enrich the Parish community.
Denis Feledy, from our St. Anthony’s Community at Terrey Hills acknowledged the honour of Fr. Peter receiving the OAM, which was for his work for the Community with the Catholic church. Fr Peter, in his modest way, said the medal and honour should be for all of us, his Companions , who all work in the PFGM. Congratulations, Peter!
Lunch followed. While our leaders ate, they renewed friendships & shared their Family Group experiences. After lunch, Peter Kennedy (PK) ran a marvelous workshop on Family Group Spirituality. This was topical, because many think Family Groups are only social. PK outlined how we have moved from living in village style communities to situations that have us in a new technological world, devoid of community, hence the vital need of Family Groups.
Peter (PK) opened the floor for discussion. Many leaders took the microphone. They shared heartfelt stories and concerns. How are we going to get our message to the younger generations. Time ran out, while things where red hot with interest.
So next time we MUST allow more time for small group discussions.!!!. I hope to have even more parishes represented next year. Everybody left with a prayer and a smile
Thanks to everybody.
Mary Ingham
PFGM Director NSW